Friday, June 17, 2011

Adding users automatically to SAM database and then to VDI Console

While doing our project, we came to a position where we needed to have abt 40-50 users in SAM database and to add them using GUI would be a very lengthy process.

So we decided to use command prompt.

All you have to do is to create a .BAT file and add the following command to it.

net user (username) (password) /add /comment:"Test user, DELETE ME"
net user Rahul abcd /add /comment:"Test user, DELETE ME"

So, add the user names and passwords below one by one and run the bat file. All will be added.

To remove them, again create a .bat file and use this command.

net user Rahul /delete

So, we just created the file, added 20-30 lines with username and password and got them added to database.

Now to add users automatically, prepare a file with the names of users to be added to VDI Mgmt Console and then provide it as input in the script. One example of such script is:-

$fileinput=Get-Content 'C:\Users\zed\Desktop\input.txt'
foreach($i in $fileinput)
add-adminuser -DisplayName $i -UserName $i -DomainName localhost

For removing users from SAM database, you need to provide him the simple remove.bat file with remove command for all users and he can successfully remove all the user accounts.

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